Treasurer Report

Dassel Cokato PTA Monthly Treasurer Report
For the Period Ended:
1/15/2013 $       3,579.69
Current Month Year To-Date
- 8/15/12 to 8/15/13
Actual Actual Budget Variance Budget
Local Membership Dues (#
members * $ dollar amt)
$             327.00 $     300.00 $        -
Investment Income $        -
Donations $                 6.00 $        -
Fundraising Projects $        -
Apparel Sales $           3,273.00 $  9,000.00 $        -
Other Fundraising Projects $        -
Fun Run Income $           1,274.00 $  1,200.00 $        -
Miscellaneous Income $        -
Total Income $                            - $               4,880.00 $  10,500.00 $            - $            -
Supplies $        -
Past President’s Pin $        -
Printing $     100.00 $        -
Mailing Postage $       50.00 $        -
Liability/Bonding Insurance $     115.00 $        -
Other $               19.00 $       50.00
Leadership Education
District Council Conferences $     100.00 $        -
State PTA Conventions $        -
Publications/Brochures $        -
Membership/Dues $             300.00 $     200.00 $        -
Programs $        -
Volunteer Recognition
Awards $        -
Special Appreciation Awards $     150.00 $        -
Scholarships/Grants $        -
Donations $  1,000.00 $        -
Fun Run $           1,081.60 $  1,200.00
Fundraising Projects
Cost of Inventory – Apparel $  7,500.00 $        -
Other Costs – Apparel $        -
Other Fundraising Costs $        -
Total Expenses $                    - $           1,400.60 $ 10,465.00 $        - $        -
Excess Surplus/(Deficit) $                    - $           3,479.40 $       35.00 $        - $        -
2/15/2013 $       3,579.69
Outstanding items
$        -
1173 – Dassel Elem $         (100.00)
Balance on Hand:  2-19-13 $       3,479.69

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