End of Summer Reading Program Party

The enthusiasm was high for the old-fashioned celebration. Featuring sack races, pin the shovel on the garden, drop the clothespins, bean bag toss, hopscotch and cookies and Kool Aid, the summer readers and their families enjoyed the evening. Highlight was the announcement by Friends of the Library President Judy Forst of the 2013 Grand Prize winners.  Three of the winners were present to receive their prizes and a big round of applause from the crowd.

Our sincere thanks to the Howard Lake Royalty for attending and lending us a hand.

See you next June for the 2014 program and keep reading!

2013 Book/Food a Success

Thanks to all who attended this year’s Book/Food fundraiser sale. We had many good books, bountiful good food and wonderful conversations  around the food tables. As always, the Bag of Books for a Buck the final 30 minutes of the sale  was a huge attraction.

We appreciate your support and hope to see you for next year’s sale.

After final book sorting

After final book sorting

Waiting for the 9:00 AM start

Waiting for the 9:00 AM start

Howard Lake Royalty in attendance

Howard Lake Royalty in attendance

The next generation of readers.

The next generation of readers.

10 Annual Book & Food Sale June 22, 2013

This year marks a milepost for the Friends of the Howard Lake Library. We have been providing support for the Howard Lake Library with the proceeds of our used book & food sale for ten years.  This year’s sale will be on Saturday, June 22 from 9 AM to 1 PM and is located in the Howard Lake Community Room (above the library).  In addition to some wonderful books, we will again offer our favorite sloppy joe sandwiches and the best strawberry shortcake in town.

Paperback books start at just .25. We also have movies and jigsaw puzzles for sale.  The always popular dollar per bag sale is back again this year. From 12:30 until 1:00 buy a bag from the Friends and fill it with books, movies or puzzles for just one dollar. A great way to stock up for your winter reading.

We are pleased to announce that our group has again been chosen to receive matching funds through Thrivent. A sincere thank you to them for their recognition of the work we do supporting the library.

Put this sale on your calendar.  For more information, contact the library at 320.543.2020.

Abe & George Replaced

The framed portraits of Abe and George have been moved to a different wall and replaced with a color mural. The 4′ x 8′ photo mural has been installed on the wall by the computer terminals.  The original photo was taken from the Munson Lakes Nutrition tower (thanks, John) and shows Howard Lake, Memorial Park and surrounding areas in the Spring.

This is the first stage in the Friends of the Library’s plan to give our indoor library space an update.  The photos don’t do the mural justice, so please stop in and have a look.  We appreciate your feedback.


Author Curtis Dahlin Speaks About US-Dakota War of 1862


“Interesting Aspects of the Dakota Uprising” Sunday, Sept. 30 2 PM.  Community Room, 617 6th Ave, Howard Lake MN.  Independent historian and author Curtis Dahlin will draw material from his numerous books to present information on the US-Dakota War of 1862  in Minnesota. Many Minnesotans know little about the events that took place 150 years ago. Dahlin will fill in many of those blanks.  He will have his books available for sale at this event.

While not directly related to the 1862 events, Ed Claessen will present information about the 1863 Dustin Massacre which occurred just west of what is now Howard Lake.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Howard Lake Library, more information may be obtained by calling 763-658-4278.

Light refreshments will be served.


End of 2012 Summer Reading Program Celebration

The 2012 SRP started with ice cream cones and ended with old time games, Kool Aid and cookies.  It was a successful summer with many readers enjoying their books and the prizes they earned by reading.  The Friends of the Howard Lake Library hosted the ending celebration on August 9th on the library plaza. The weather was perfect and even construction debris couldn’t hamper the games.  The three grand prize winners were announced and everyone who participated in the games that evening got to choose from a variety of prizes from the big blue tub.

Thank you to the library staff for all of their hard work. And readers, we hope to see you again in 2013.

Check out the photos to see some of the fun.

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9th Annual Book/Food Sale a Success

Thanks to everyone who attend the Friends of the Howard Lake Library’s used book and tasty food sale.  The people seemed to find just that book they were looking for and many enjoyed our offering of sloppy joes, strawberry shortcake and cupcakes.

Through your support, we were able to qualify for matching funds made available through Thrivent. Out sincere thanks to Thrivent for recognizing the important work done by the Friends group.

Put us on your calendar for next year: the Saturday of Good Neighbor Days, 2013.  See you then.

Martha Speaks Event Well Attended

Attendees at the Martha Speaks event on Saturday February 18th were in no hurry to leave. After being welcomed with the story of how Martha the dog  found her voice, the craft tables stayed busy the entire time. The children eagerly made  bracelets, dog puppets, dog ears headbands and dog bone shaped book marks.  They tested their noses with a sniff test and could also color dog related pictures.  Martha Speaks DVDs were available to watch and an internet connection was provided to the Martha games website.  Drawings were held for various Martha books and Martha soups.  Refreshments were available.

The stars of the day were of course canines Penny and Jerry.  The dogs enjoyed the many stories read to them.  Our sincere thanks to Jerry, Penny and their people for sharing the day with us.

Click on the thumbnails provided so see some of the activities.

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Doggone Fun at the Library


Join us Saturday, February 18 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Howard Lake Public Library for a special event to celebrate Martha Speaks and Reading to Dogs in the Library. Share a book with your favorite pooch, enjoy crafts and activities, and register for free door prizes! Drawings will be held throughout the event to give away Martha Speaks books and videos.  Come share the fun!

For ages 4 – 10. Preregistration is not required.  No limit. For more information, contact the Howard Lake Library at 320.543.2020.