All posts by Sue Claessen

End of Summer Reading Party

Hey Summer Readers, join us for a “congratulations” and “job well done” celebration. The Library Friends will host the party on Thursday, August 21 at 6 PM on the library square and greenspace. All who participated in the summer program, along with their families, are invited to attend. Test your skill at hopscotch, drop some clothes pins in the bottle and toss a few bean bags. March in a game of musical chairs and pin the paper pepperoni on the giant pizza board.

The drawings for the grand prizes (Razor scooter & helmet and shelf music system) will be held on the 21st. You need not be present to win. Refreshments will be served.

So summer readers, gather up your families and join us on August 21.

For more information, contact the librarians or call 320.543.200.

2008 Book/Food Sale a Success

A big Thank You to all who supported the Friends of the Library Book/Food Sale held during Good Neighbor Days. It was a great success. Many readers found just that special book, while the strawberry shortcake and sloppy joes tickled the taste buds of the many folks who dined with us.

Mile High Whipped Cream

We are pleased to announce that we made our goal and received the matching funds offered by Thrivent. Our sincere thanks to Thrivent for providing this opportunity.

Remember that donations of books, movies, music CDs & puzzles are accepted all year long. Drop off sites include the Howard Lake Library & Howard Lake City Offices.

See you next year at the sale.

Maple Syruping by St John’s Arboretum

What’s cookin’? Ask St John’s Arboretum staff and you’ll find out it’s maple syrup. St John’s Abbey & University Arboretum presents a one hour session which will include learning about the maple syrup process through storytelling and hands on activities. Taste a sample of the Arboretum’s own maple syrup.

Maple Syruping will be presented Tuesday, July 15 at 2 PM at the Howard Lake Library. This program is suited for ages 3 to 12.

For more information, contact the Library at 320.543.2020.

Brought to you by the Friends of the Howard Lake Library.

Summer Storytime

The Howard Lake Public Library is offering Summer Storytime for ages 3 to 12.  No preregistration is required.  Konnie Miller and Karen Borrell will present storytime at 10:30 to 11:15 AM on the following Fridays:

July 11, 18, 25; August 1, 8, 15.

Come enjoy the fun in our air conditioned room.

For more information, contact the library at 320.543.2020.

Summer Reading Program

“Look What’s Cookin’… at your library” is the theme for the children’s Summer Reading Program. The teen program challenges all to “Feed Your Mind… Read”. Both programs start June16 and run through August 16. For more information, ask your librarian or call 320.543.2020.


Welcome to the Friends of the Howard Lake Library website.   Our goal is to spread the word that the Howard Lake Public Library is a great community resource.  We improve your library experience by  providing funds for various programs and updating both the inside  and outside of the building.  Just check out the new furniture!

As this site is under construction, check back often to see the changes.